On the morning of December 10th, 2010 I saw the pictures of The Norway Light Spiral. Former President Barack Hussein Obama was to receive his Nobel Peace Prize that day.

Immediately, Nostradamus ‘ Quatrain VI-5 came to mind.

Nostradamus Quatrain VI-5
Si grand famine par vnde pestifere,
Par pluye longue le long du pole arctique:
Samarobryn cent lieux de l’hemispere,
Viuront sans loy, exempt de politique.
Nostradamus Quatrain VI-5
So great a famine by a pestilent wave,
By rain extending the length of the Arctic Pole:
Samarobryn one hundred leagues [135 miles] from the hemisphere,
Living without law exempt from politics.
The anagram in Quatrain VI-5 has mystified Nostradamus Commentators for centuries. Was the coiling blue beam of light near the Arctic Circle in Norway, “a pestilent wave”, “the length of the Arctic Pole”, and “[135 miles] from the hemisphere”? With my solution to the anagram, it all fits.
The fact is, that without any hocus pocus or word magic you can easily extract “Obama” from “Samarobryn” leaving Obama srryn. After solving the puzzle letters srryn, it leaves no doubt that Barack Obama is Nostradamus’ Black King.
SAMAROBRYN is an anagram for Obama [i]s Black King. Barack Obama was in Norway on Thursday, December 10th, 2009 to receive his Nobel Peace Prize.
The Norway Light Spiral that appeared in the skies on December 9th, 2009 is the “Pestilent Wave”. It was a live demonstration of a NATO Directed Energy Weapon destroying a Russian submarine launched missile to validate the hubris of Barack Obama’s Nobel acceptance speech.
The affect of the weapon also included a radical change in weather over the entire northern hemisphere for the winter of 2009 and 2010.
Nostradamus Quatrain X-71
La terre & l’air geleront si grand eau,
Lors qu’on viendra pour ieudy venerer,
Ce qui sera jamais ne fut si beau,
Des quatre parts le viendront honorer.
Nostradamus Quatrain X-71
The earth and air will freeze a great [jet] stream,
When they will come to venerate Thursday [Thursday, December 10, 2009],
He who is not at all is not so nice [peaceful],
From the four parts [of the world] they will come to honor him.
This Quatrain begins another important Triplicate Series; in fact, it may be part of seven or more connected Quatrains at the end of Century X. Since two triplicate sets of this series are important to this chapter, I will present them here as a Triplicate Set.
Barack Obama was awarded his Noble Prize on a Thursday, December 10th, 2009. World leaders came from the “four parts” of the globe to honor him with a peace prize, even though he was conducting multiple wars in the Middle East and Asia. The hypocrisy even stood out to Nostradamus.
Barack Obama conducted wars against eight countries. In my citation, the Poynter Institute missed one important target, Ukraine.
NATO is now training the Ukrainian military with recently supplied US military equipment and using mercenaries for actual combat. All of this was instigated and begun under the administration of Barack Obama.
Nostradamus Quatrain X-71 (Third Line)
Ce qui sera jamais ne feut si beau
Nostradamus and the Age of Desolation, G. A. Stewart, Page 409
They key phrase descriptors are Jamais and si beau. Jamais means never, not at all. Si Beau means so good, so nice. Ce qui means whom, which, or by inflection, he. Sera means be or exist. Ne feut means was not or is not. If you put these together you get: That which is not at all, is not so nice or He who is not at all is not so nice.
In keeping with the idea that Obama was being awarded the Nobel Peace Prize, maybe Nostradamus’ intent was to say one who is not so peaceful. But he also needed a word that rhymed with “Eau” in line one. Again, this is another example of poetic license.
He who is not at all [peaceful] is not so nice… This translation of one who is not so nice fits in with many of the descriptions of the young black king, throughout the quatrains.
It all perfectly fits. “[In 2009/2010] the earth and air will freeze a great [jet] stream”. “From the four parts [of the world] they will come to honor him. “When they will come to venerate [the Nobel Peace Prize] [on] Thursday: [December 10, 2009].”
By January 8th, 2010, I had some of it figured out. On my website, I wrote that in Norse mythology, The End of Days, called Ragnarök, was to be proceeded by the three years of the great winter known as Fimbulvetr.
The coldest winters on record followed the Norway Light Spiral. As you can read in my eight year-old Website Update, Fimbulvetr did begin. It was immediately followed by The Deep Horizon Gulf Oil Spill, and then The Fukushima Nuclear Meltdowns.

My work and conclusions were validated by the Norvik Viking Center on November 15th, 2013.
In 2013, the Norvik Viking Center determined that Ragnarök would start on February 22nd, 2014.
As readers know all too well from today’s headline news, February 22nd, 2014 is exactly the day when NATO aided in the coup d’état that overthrew the elected Ukrainian President, Viktor Yanukovych.
On March 19th, 2014, Russia formally annexed Crimea, and on March 19th, 2015, Russia formally annexed South Ossetia. Russian President, Vladimir Putin, was sending a message back to the Architects of Doom, Nostradamus’ Pagan Sect of New Infidels.
This is why Vincent Seve was probably instructed to give Henri IV The Sixains on March 19th, 1605.

Why do you think former President Bill Clinton invited Russia to Denver in 1997 to join the G8, The Group of Eight Nations?
Why do you think the 2008 Democratic National Convention to nominate Barack Obama for the United States Presidency was held in Denver? Denver is going to be the Doomsday Capital for the American New World Order.
As I mentioned, Quatrain X-71 is part of what I believe is a Triplicate Series.

In an effort not to overwhelm readers, I believe Quatrains X-69 and X-70 are future predictions related to America’s Second Civil War and a nuclear terrorist event in Italy after Barack Obama returns to power or during the coming American civil war. I will examine these prophecies in future posts.
Barack Obama is a groomed construction of Nostradamus’ Pagan Sect of New Infidels.

Vernon Jarret was the father of Iranian born Valerie Jarret. Valerie Jarrett, the former senior advisor to Barack Obama, has moved into the same residence as Obama in Washington D. C. According to my interpretation of Nostradamus’ prophecies, they are plotting a coup d’état against President Trump.

Avowed Communist and 1960’s radical, Bill Ayers was young Barack Obama’s sponsor.

Is Former CIA Director John Brennan a Muslim convert?
February 10, 2013
Brennan did indeed serve as CIA station chief in Riyadh in the 1990s and today holds the official title of Deputy National Security Advisor for Homeland Security and Counterterrorism. On Jan. 7, Obama nominated Brennan as the next director of the CIA
The former chief of the CIA’s Counter-Terrorism Center under Brennan was Michael A. D’Andrea; he is also a convert to Islam.
His CIA nickname is “The Wolf“. As you will read in Chapter Nine of Nostradamus and the Third Age of Mars, The Elephant, which I believe is Pakistan, and The Wolf are two very important and dangerous Nostradamus’ characters.
D’Andrea worked closely with Pakistani Intelligence.
Michael D’Andrea, notoriously dubbed the “Dark Prince”, who conducted the hunt for Osama bin Laden and the American drone strike campaign that killed hundreds of innocent civilians, is now overseeing the C.I.A.’s Iran operations.

ISIS Sends a Message
What Gestures Say About Today’s Middle East
A masked man brandishes a severed head in one hand. In the other, he raises an index finger.
May 21, 2017
Donald Trump’s Saudi Arabia speech: eight key points

October 2, 2017
Las Vegas Shooting: Chaos at a Concert and a Frantic Search at Mandalay Bay
It is clear from the events in Las Vegas on October 1st, 2017 and the subsequent coup d’état in Saudi Arabia in November 2017 that President Donald J. Trump has gone to war with the American Deep State.

The individual that was escorted by a Las Vegas Police SWAT Team out of the Tropicana Hotel and Casino immediately after the mass shooting looks remarkably like Saudi Arabian Prince Mohammed Bin Salman. Was he in Las Vegas at the time?
Saudi Arabia Arrests 11 Princes, Including Billionaire Alwaleed bin Talal

Saudi Arabian Prince Mohammed Bin Salman has visited with former Presidents H. W. Bush and George W. Bush, Google’s co-founder, Sergey Brin, Facebook’s founder Mark Zuckerburg, and Twitter’s co-founder, Jack Dorsey.
Oprah, Rupert Murdoch, Harvard: Saudi Prince’s U.S. Tour

Since Prince Alwaleed bin Talal was the chief financial backer of the Clinton Foundation and Hillary Clinton’s 2016 Presidential race, one wonders what terms Prince Mohammed Bin Salman was offering to former President Bill Clinton and former Secretary of State John Kerry during their March 30th, 2017 meetings. Do note the body-language of both Clinton and Kerry. Clearly, Prince Mohammed Bin Salman appears confident and strong.

Nostradamus and The Age of Desolation, G. A. Stewart, Page 441
It is interesting that Corbinian’s Bear is in the left and “sinister corner” of the shield.
The tale of the Bishop Corbinian and his trip to Rome is allegorical for what is to come. When the bear killed the Bishop Corbinian’s horse, the future saint made the bear carry the horse’s load all the way to Rome, whereupon he freed the bear.
I believe the bear is symbolic of Russia, who will carry the burden of fighting the Chinese-Islamic Alliance after it destroys much of the United States in a nuclear attack.
The United States, of course, is represented by Corbinian’s murdered pack horse. It is the unrecognized and unspoken part of this allegorical myth. The allusion to the pack horse represents the United States. It carried the load for the Vatican during the Cold War, especially with its support of Pope John Paul II during the Polish uprising. But it appears that it will bear the burden of invading the Middle East in a new crusade. Will it be murdered by the bear?
Why is The New World Order pushing an Islamic agenda? Why have millions of young Islamic men been allowed to settle into and reshape cities across Europe? Why does it have the support of the Vatican and the European ruling families?

Why did former President Barack Obama upend the Middle East and North Africa with The Arab Spring? Was Barack Obama looking for something?
In The Master Game, Unmasking the Secret Rulers of the World, Graham Hancock and Robert Bauval extensively document the history of symbolic manipulation and signaling.
The supposed accidental photograph on September 23rd, 2015 of Barack Obama with horns meeting Pope Francis on Yom Kippur is a clear signal that The Antichrist and The False Prophet have come together and had a meeting of the minds.
Nostradamus and the Age of Desolation, Page 135
After the archangels had finally captured Azazyel, Raphael bound his hands and feet and then dug a hole in the desert. The rebelling angel was then buried and had a mountain placed over him so that he would remain in darkness in Dudael until the Final Judgment.
Azazyel’s punishment is memorialized in the ritual followed on the Jewish Day of Atonement. Found in Leviticus 16:8, as well as in The Dead Sea Scrolls, every Yom Kippur two goats were to be chosen by lottery; one was to be sacrificed and one was to be released into the desert. “This is for Azazyel”, was spoken as the scapegoat was sent to find its way through Dudael, the place of Azazyel’s imprisonment.

I have often referred to the power of symbolism. Nostradamus’ Pagan Sect of New Infidels use it all the time. As you can see from the beginning of the 1981 movie Blow Out, the star and hero’s face appears behind an owl.


In The Master Game, Unmasking the Secret Rulers of the World, Graham Hancock and Robert Bauval, write that the Dominican Monks Giordano Bruno and Tommaso Campanella envisioned the perfect Hermetic City. In such a city, just viewing the architecture and skyline would automatically download information into the viewer’s consciousness.
It is important to remember that in Quantum Physics, the viewer is essential to reality. The viewer is the measuring equipment, and he or she collapses the electron wave function with his or her observation of the world. Is it possible that symbolism hidden in everything from architecture to entertainment can create an individual’s reality?
Why was Barack Obama groomed for the Presidency of the United States? Why has promoting the rights of Islam become the agenda for The New World Order?
Was Barack Obama looking for legendary religious items in the Middle East and especially Syria that would make him Al-Mahdi?
The prophecies in Islamic Hadith predict that Al-Mahdi will recover The Ark of the Covenant and The Ring of Solomon when his army conquers Syria.
Al-Mahdi is not the Antichrist. The Islamic Antichrist is The Dajjal, and there are some prophecies in Islamic Hadith that suggest it is he that recovers these items.
“The Beast of the Earth will emerge, and will have with it the rod of Moses and the ring of Solomon.”
Thus we asked: O Amirul Momineen (a.s.), what would that be? He replied:
“Daabbatul Ardh will emerge from Mt. Safa. He shall be having the seal ring of Prophet Sulaiman (a.s.). When that ring would be touched on the face of a believer, it would brand him to be a true believer. And when it is touched on the face of an infidel it would clearly mark that he is really a disbeliever.
Mt. Safa is in Mecca, Saudi Arabia. “Daabbatul Ardh” means Beast of the Land. Again, Islamic scholars have chosen a metaphor that is seen in Christian and Jewish eschatology. The Beast is Gog and Magog.
Another Islamic tale that I find fascinating and in accord with Greek mythology and the myths of Solomon is a tale in A Thousand and One Nights called The City of Brass. Supposedly, this marvelous city was constructed near the Pillars of Hercules on the island of al-Khidr by the demons that King Solomon commanded when he wielded the ring of power bestowed upon him by Sabaoth, the “Lord of Forces”.
In The Testament of Solomon, written in the 2nd Century C.E., Sabaoth, the “Lord of Forces” gave Solomon a ring that could control the Fallen Angels. Wielding this ring, Solomon was able to capture them and he made each demon build a certain part of the First Temple.
We see this same story retold in The Holy Qur’an.
And to Solomon (We made) the Wind (obedient): Its early morning (stride) was a month’s (journey), and its evening (stride) was a month’s (journey); and We made a Font of molten brass to flow for him; and there were Jinns that worked in front of him, by the leave of his Lord, and if any of them turned aside from our command, We made him taste of the Penalty of the Blazing Fire.
The Holy Qur’an, Sūra 34:13 Saba, Sheba
They worked for him as he desired, (making) arches, images, basons as large as reservoirs, and (cooking) cauldrons fixed (in their places): “Work ye, sons of David, with thanks! but few of My servants are grateful!”
The Holy Qur’an, Sūra 34:14 Saba, Sheba
Then, when We decreed (Solomon’s) death, nothing showed them his death except a little worm of the earth, which kept (slowly) gnawing away at his staff: so when he fell down, the Jinns saw plainly that if they had known the unseen, they would not have tarried in the humiliating Penalty (of their Task).
Later on in his life, Solomon is convinced to sacrifice five grasshoppers to the Canaanite god Molech. This simple and symbolic act so upset Sabaoth that he took back the ring of power and left Solomon to lament as he battled the demons alone.
I then, wretch that I am, followed her advice, and the glory of God quite departed from me; and my spirit was darkened, and I became the sport of idols and demons.
Then did Solomon build a high place… for Molech, the abomination of the Ammonites.
I Kings 11:9 (King James)
And the Lord was angry with Solomon…
Another Islamic myth has Alexander the Great conquering the City of Brass which was defended by automatons made of the same metal.
All of this is quite similar to the Greek myths of Zeus and the Olympian gods who defeated the Titans. In what is known as The Titanomachy or War of the Titans, Zeus grew up and rescued his siblings, going on to lead the Olympian gods in an eleven-year rebellion against Kronos and the Titans.
Like the Hittite god, Teshub, Zeus too was a storm god. With the aid of the Hundred-Armed Giants, he overthrew the Titans and imprisoned them in Tartarus behind walls of brass with adamantine towers. The Greeks thought of Tartarus as a prison for the damned in a netherworld far below Hades. Kronos eventually escaped and fled into exile.
In Roman mythology, when Saturn was overthrown, he too fled into exile, escaping to Italy where he initiated the Roman Golden Age. Thus Kronos can be a god associated with the Roman Empire.
There is a connection between Kronos and Molech, and the Roman Empire that will have relevance to prophecies found in the books of Daniel and Revelation, and also to Nostradamus’ warnings of a powerful Pagan Cult that will arise out of Germany and Italy.
After the War of the Titans, came The Gigantomachy. A second great age of warfare erupted between the gods when some of the children of Ouranos and Gaia rose up in rebellion against Zeus. Conspiring with her monstrous offspring, Gaia had the giants Enceladus and Echidna seek revenge on Zeus and the Olympians for their mistreatment of her children, the Titans.
In Greek mythology there were three generations of rebellion: Ouranos was overthrown by Kronos, Kronos was overthrown by Zeus, and Zeus was nearly overthrown by Gaia and the surviving Titans.
In The Wars of Gods and Men, Zecharia Sitchin examines the treaties between ancient kingdoms to sort out the feuding gods. Sitchin concluded that the Sumerian themes of a generational warring family of gods resembled parts of the Hittite and Hurrian myths of Kumarbi recorded on The Kingship of Heaven Tablets.
He also presents evidence for their similarities with the Greek, Egyptian, and Vedic mythologies concerning a generational heavenly war.

The Mahabharata clearly describes to readers that ancient kings knew where the battle machines of the gods were buried.
…king Kuvalaswa, aided by his sons, soon surrounded that sea of sands and the king ordered that wilderness to be excavated and after the king’s sons had excavated that sea of sands for seven days, they could see the mighty Asura Dhundhu.
And, O bull of the Bharata race, the huge body of that Asura lay within those sands, effulgent in its own energy like the Sun himself.
And Dhundhu, O king, was lying covering the western region of the desert and surrounded on all sides by the sons of Kuvalaswa, the Danava was assaulted with sharp-pointed shafts and maces and heavy and short clubs and axes and clubs, with iron spikes and darts and bright and keen-edged swords, and thus assaulted, the mighty Danava rose from his recumbent posture in wrath.
And enraged, the Asura began to swallow those various weapons that were hurled at him and he vomited from his mouth fiery flames like unto those of the fire called Samvarta that appeareth at the end of the Yuga and by those flames of his, the Asura consumed all the sons of the king and, O tiger among men, like the Lord Kapila of old consuming the sons of king Sagara, the infuriated Asura overwhelming the triple world with the flames vomited from his mouth, achieved that wonderful feat in a moment.
Readers should notice the prediction, “…he vomited from his mouth fiery flames like unto those of the fire called Samvarta that appeareth at the end of the Yuga”. The Kali Yuga is the Hindu version of The Apocalypse. Across the spectrum, from Greek myth to Jewish, Christian, and Islamic scripture, these Battle Machines are predicted to rise again during The End Times.
Just as Zeus battled the serpent Typhoeus, his Vedic counterpart, Indra, fought a serpent called Vritra. For the Caanintes the god Baal battled the seven-headed dragon Lotan, and in the Hiitite and Hurrian myths it was Teshub that fought with the dragon, Illuyankas.
Zecharia Sitchin also discovered that the derivation of the word titan comes from a Sumerian cuneiform, TI.TA.AN that means, “Those Who in Heaven Live.”
Here is the possible bridge between the Hebrew Watchers and the Greek Titans. In the Hittite and Hurrian myths, Ullikummi was a giant god of stone made entirely out of diorite. Ullikummi was also created by Kumarbi to be used as a weapon against Teshub. Kumarbi then hid Ullikummi in the netherworld with the Irsirra deities.
In Hittite mythology the Irsirra deities were associated with the Sumerian IGI.GI. Therefore we have historical confirmation that the Watchers were aligned with the first generation of rebelling gods, the Titans.
The Titans had developed special weapons that fell into the hands of the Olympian gods, and in Hittite and Hurrian myths, Ullikummi was a special weapon created by Kumarbi.
In Greek mythology, after Zeus set free the sons of Ouranos, whom Kronos the king of the Titans had imprisoned; the three Cyclopes repaid Zeus and his brothers by giving them the divine weapons of the Titans. Zeus was given the thunderbolt; Hades was given a magic helmet that made him invisible, and Poseidon was given the trident.
The trident could make the earth and sea shake, so Poseidon/Neptune was also known as the Earthshaker. You will find allusions to the Trident and Neptune in many of Nostradamus’ predictions.
In today’s world Directed Energy Weapons or Scalar Weapons have the ability to create earthquakes. The use of these weapons is what Nostradamus sees as a cause of World War III.
Coincidentally, in The Rig Veda, the oldest literary work in history, the Hindu gods were given special weapons in their war over the demons. Indra was given the thunderbolt, Vishnu was given a discus of celestial metal, Agni was given a fire-weapon, and Rudra was given a trident.
It is The Rig Veda, The Ramanyana, The Mahabharata, and many other Vedic texts that have left historians the clearest descriptions of the past and The War in Heaven. The ancient battle machines of both the gods and demons appear to have been buried around the planet, and some kings and world leaders seem to know where they are buried.
However you want to analyze it, all evidence seems to indicate that the UFO Phenomenon has existed for a very long time. Human beings are clearly more than objects of interest and study. All of our myths tell us that humans have been tools of warfare, used indiscriminately or en masse to further the agendas of beings that are clearly not gods.
Aiding the gods in their war is the role that humanity seems to have been bred for millennia ago. Zecharia Sitchin believes that the Sumerian god Ea was instrumental in allowing Kumarbi and Zu to have access to technology that made them equal to the other gods. That further associates him with Prometheus, who besides being mankind’s creator also brought mankind fire from the heavens.
Zeus punished him for it by chaining Prometheus to Mount El’brus in the Caucasus Mountains. For thousands of years an eagle fed on his liver until the demigod Hercules rescued him.

Giving extraterrestrial science and technological secrets to homo sapiens sapiens is what got the 200 Rebelling Watchers in trouble.
Then they took wives, each choosing for himself; whom they began to approach, and with whom they cohabited; teaching them sorcery, incantations, and the dividing of roots and trees.
The Book of Enoch LXVIII:6 (Richard Laurence Translation)
The name of the third is Gadrel; he discovered every stroke of death to the children of men.
The Book of Enoch LXVIII:7 (Richard Laurence Translation)
He seduced Eve; and discovered to the children of men the instruments of death, the coat of mail, the shield, and the sword for slaughter; every instrument of death to the children of men.
Vimana were ancient flying chariots in the Hindu epic books. Reportedly, they flew using Mercury as one of the components to control gravity.
Samarangana Sutradhara
Strong and durable must the body of the Vimana be made, like a great flying bird of light material. Inside one must put the mercury engine with its iron heating apparatus underneath. By means of the power latent in the mercury which sets the driving whirlwind in motion, a man sitting inside may travel a great distance in the sky.
Is it just a coincidence that the TR3-B allegedly uses a rotating Mercury vapor at high pressure to control gravity?
The dragons of myths and the beasts in Jewish Scriptures sound like battle machines with laser-like weapons. Vritra in Zoroastrian mythology was known as Azhi Dahaka or Dahhag and Zahhak. The ancient heroes of Persia imprisoned this creature under Mt. Damavand, which is forty-five miles northeast of Tehran in Iran. During the final age of the world, Dahhag is supposed to escape from his captivity and devour every third person on the Earth.
There may indeed not only be advanced technology buried across the planet, but also on the Moon and on other planets and their Moons. Something very catastrophic happened throughout this Solar System millions of years ago.


I can tell readers first hand that Dr. Edgar Mitchell, the sixth man to walk on the Moon, looked me directly in the eyes and told me, “Richard Hoagland is full of shit. There are no ruins on the Moon.”
Maybe the Moon is a ruin, and only excavating it will reveal secrets not visible to the human eye or to cameras. Saturn’s Moon Iapetus has made me believe that millions of years ago, the founding race or races in this solar system built spacecraft as big as Moons.
The former Chief of the Celestial Mechanics Branch at the Naval Observatory, the late Dr. Tom Van Flandern, had hypothesized that Mars was once the moon of a planet that exploded 3.2 millions years ago.



I have examined many photographs from Mars taken from orbit and by the Mars Rovers that people have claimed show ruins and artifacts among debris fields. Mars seems to have had many colossal monuments that are built into the landscape much like Mount Rushmore.
The extent of the monuments strewn across the planet seem to indicate that the ancient Martians may have tried to incorporate the mathematical principles of the perfect Hermetic City that Giordano Bruno and Tommaso Campanella were seeking to build on Earth.




Zecharia Sitchin believed that every 3,600 years the planet Nibiru came between the Earth and Mars in an elliptical orbit that takes the planet far outside of the Solar System. Every time it reenters the Solar System, gravitational disturbances cause planet wide destruction on Earth.
Planet 10? Another Earth-Size World May Lurk in the Outer Solar System
Is this periodic interloper related to Wormwood? Is this why the Vatican has its own astronomers?

Does the Vatican manage LUCIFER, one of the world’s most advanced optical telescopes?
Some fringe reporting has incorrectly conflated the shared geographic location of the Vatican Advanced Technology Telescope (VATT) with the LBT’s LUCIFER acronym. This has led to some erroneous reporting of hidden agendas being held by the Vatican.
VATT is part of the Mount Graham International Observatory and is operated by the Vatican Observatory, one of the oldest astronomical research institutions in the world, in partnership with The University of Arizona.
What if Zecharia Sitchin’s 3,600 year planet interloper were in fact a planet-like spacecraft on a regular patrol of this sector of space?
And there was a war in heaven: Michael and his angels fought against the dragon; and the dragon fought and his angels,
Revelations 12:8 (King James)
And prevailed not; neither was their place found anymore in heaven.
Revelations 12:9 (King James)
And the great dragon was cast out, that old serpent, called the Devil, and Satan, which deceiveth the whole world: he was cast out into the earth, and his angels were cast out with him.

Book of Enoch XII:5 (Richard Laurence Translation)
Then the Lord said: Enoch scribe of righteousness, go tell the Watchers of heaven, who have deserted the lofty sky, and their holy everlasting station, who have polluted with women.
Book of Enoch XII:7 (Richard Laurence Translation)
That on earth they shall never obtain peace…
Book of Enoch XIII:1 (Richard Laurence Translation)
Then Enoch, passing on said to Azazyel: Thou shalt not obtain peace. A great sentence is gone forth against thee: He shall bind thee.
Book of Enoch XIV:3 (Richard Laurence Translation)
Judgment has been passed upon you: your request will not be granted you.
Book of Enoch XIV:4 (Richard Laurence Translation)
From this time forward, never shall you ascend into heaven. He said, that on earth He will bind you, as long as the world endures.
Book of Enoch XIV:5 (Richard Laurence Translation)
…You shall behold the destruction of your beloved sons; you shall not posses them, but they shall fall before you by the sword.
Do we consider this the result of an Interstellar War? The 200 Rebel Watchers and their children were sentenced to life on Earth, “From this time forward, never shall you ascend into heaven“.
From The Dead Sea Scroll called The Book of the Giants, we know that the Nephilim were the Demigods, the children of the mythological gods and they probably fought whomever was going to deliver the Punishment of Heaven.

[…] Ohya and he said to Mahway […] […] without trembling. Who showed you all this vision, [my] brother? […] Barakel, my father was with me […]
Dead Sea Scrolls Book of the Giants 4Q530 Col. 2
1 concerns the death of our souls […] and all his comrades, [and Oh]ya told them what Gilgamesh said to him 2 […] and it was said […] concerning […] the leader has cursed the potentates…
Dead Sea Scrolls Book of the Giants 4Q530 Frag.7
[…this vision] is for cursing and sorrow. I am the one who confessed 2[…] the whole group of the castaways that I shall go to […] 3 … the spirits of the sl]ain complaining about their killers and crying out 4[…] that we shall die together and be made an end of […]
Dead Sea Scrolls Book of the Giants 4Q530 Frag. 7
3 […] your strength […] 4 […] 5 Thereupon Ohya [said] to Hahya […] Then he answered, It is not for 6 us, but for Azaiel, for he did […the children of] angels 7 are the giants, and they would not let all their loved ones] be neglected […we have] not been cast down; you have strength […]
Dead Sea Scrolls Book of the Giants 4Q531 Frag. 1
3[…I am a] giant, and by the mighty strength of my arm and my own great strength 4[…any] one mortal, and I have made war against them; but I am not 5[…] able to stand against them, for my opponents 6[…] reside in [Heav]en, and they dwell in the holy places. And not 7[…they] are stronger than I. 8[…] of the wild beast has come, and the wild man they call [me].
In The Epic of Gilgamesh, the ancient King of Uruk/Iraq, travels to Lebanon with his friend Enkidu, and together they fight the robot sentry, Humbaba, that guards a secret place of The Watchers.
The great stones and platforms at Baalbel, Lebanon defy modern engineering.

The Epic of Gilgamesh, Tablet II
Man was given breath. Gilgamesh spoke to Enkidu’
In the forest terrible Humbaba lives
Let us, you and I, slay him,
And banish all that is evil from the land!’
And Humbaba – his roaring is the Great Flood,
His mouth is fire,
His breath is death!
…Enlil appointed him to be guard,
The Epic of Gilgamesh, Tablet IV
…Mount Hermon and Lebanon and their surrounding districts
Are being destroyed.
…Shamash raised up great winds against Humbaba:
And Humbaba’s face was darkened.
He cannot push forwards,
He cannot run backwards;
The Epic of Gilgamesh, Tablet V
But the weapons of Gilgamesh could now reach Humbaba.
…Gilgamesh struck the neck of Humbaba,
Enkidu, his friend, struck Humbaba twice also.
At the third blow Humbaba fell.
…He opened up the secret dwelling of The Fifty Great Gods, the Anunnaki, They
who are seated on their thrones…
The idea of buried battle machines that will rise again, such as Ullikummi and the Vedic Asura Dhundhu, also made its way to the Greeks. The giant Enceladus was eventually felled by Athena’s spear and then buried under Mount Etna in Sicily.
Zeus spared Echidna, allowing him to live and to be dealt with by mankind in the future. And you will find that the giant, Enceladus, has also been associated with the sea monster, Typhoeus.

Worldwide myths of a future battle with great creatures even makes its way into The Old Testament with the story of the Leviathan. According to The Book of Enoch and The Talmud, God will slay both the Leviathan and a large, amphibious creature known as a Behemoth during The End of Days. Their flesh will be served at a banquet after the final battle.
But when the time shall come, then shall the power the punishment, and the judgment take place…
Book of Enoch, LVIII: 6, (Translation: Richard Laurence)
That day has been prepared for the elect as a day of covenant; and for sinners as a day of inquisition.
Book of Enoch, LVIII: 7, (Translation: Richard Laurence)
In that day shall be distributed for food two monsters; a female monster, whose name is Leviathan, dwelling in the depths of the sea…
Book of Enoch, LVIII: 8, (Translation: Richard Laurence)
And a male monster, whose name is Behemoth…
This obviously suggests that these creatures will reappear at some time in our future. But the following verse presents a darker aspect of who is slain when these monsters rise up as God’s punishment.
And the angel of peace, who was with me, said, These two monsters are by the power of God prepared to become food. That the punishment of God will not be in vain.

Quatrain X-71 is also related to Barack Obama’s Nobel Peace Prize and the Norway Light Spiral. In that Quatrain Nostradamus wrote, “The earth and air will freeze a great [jet] stream”. From the record low temperatures during the 2009 and 2010 winter, we can surmise that whatever produced the Norway Light Spiral can also affect the weather.
From public information sources, we know that the European Incoherent Scatter Scientific Association, EISCAT in Norway, and ionospheric heaters in Canada and Alaska, like the High-Altitude-Aural-Research-Program, HAARP, experiment with the Sun’s particles that are trapped between the North and South magnetic poles.
Like an endless ping-pong game, these particles bounce back and forth between Earth’s magnetic poles. EISCAT and HAARP experiment with the control of this continual flow of particles, including adding or taking energy from the North and South Pole oscillations. The Solar wind then becomes a plasma weapon.
In a number of Nostradamus’ Quatrains, Nostradamus uses some form of the word, “promontoire”. I have always envisioned some form of antenna on a mountaintop. Interestingly enough, and I am sure more than coincidental, it generally appears in conjunction with, “The Black King“, “Islam“, or “Ogmios/Selin“.

Nostradamus Quatrain VIII-85
Entre Bayonne & à saint Jean de Lux,
Sera posé de Mars la promotoire,
Aux Hanix d’Aquilon Nanat hostera lux
Puis suffoqué au lict sans adjutoire.
Nostradamus Quatrain VIII-85
Between Bayonne and Saint Jean-de-Luz (SW France),
Shall be placed the promontory of Mars [war]:
Toward Hanix of Aquilon Nanat removes [the] light
Then suffocated in bed without adjudication.
“Hanix d’Aquilon Nanat” is questionable. “Hanix of Aquilon” sounds like an anagram. I have not come across any Nostradamus Commentator whose translation of “Hanix” and “Nanat” that I accept. Please note, that every Nostradamus Commentator published in English to date has spelled “Nanat” as “Nanar”, and thus made all interpretations based on a misprint.
We know that Aquilon is NATO; “de Mars la promotoire”, “Aux Hanix d’Aquilon Nanat” seems to point to NATO having control of this weapon.
In Quatrain IX-60, “la Cornertte noire”, “Grand Ismaël mettra son promontoire” seems to point to Nostradamus’ Black King having control of this weapon.
Obviously, “Nanat” is a person who seems to “remove the light” from the “promontory of Mars”. Is he or she sabotaging the weapon? I see “adjutoire” as “adjudication”. “Nanat” is apparently executed by strangulation without Due Process or “adjudication”.
Remember the last line in Quatrain VI-5 regarding “Obama Black King”, “Viuront sans loy, exempt de politique”, “Living without law, exempt from politics.”
Quatrain I-77, below, once again connects The Promontory Weapon and The Black King.

Nostradamus Quatrain IX-60
Conflict Barbar en la Cornere noire,
Sang espandu trembler la Dalmatie:
Grand Ismaël mettra son promontoire,
Ranes trembler, secours Lusitanie.
Nostradamus Quatrain IX-60
Conflict Barbarian [Islamic Army] in the Black [King’s] horn,
Bloodshed, Dalmatia to tremble:
Great Ishmael will set up [sounds] his promontory,
Frogs tremble, Lusitania (Portuguese) aid.
In Quatrain IX-60, Nostradamus references “Conflict Barbar en la Cornere noire”; “Grand Ismaël mettra son promontoire”.
“La Cornere” is probably “La Corne” or “la Cornet”, which is a cornet or horn.
Then it fits that “son” could be an apocope of “sonne”, sound. “Muslim conflict by the Black King’s horn.” “Great Ishmael applies sound [from the] promontory”.
Sound weapons, such as the Active Denial Systems and Long Range Acoustic Devices, LRAD, are used in combat and law enforcement today. The Australian government has also recently been purchasing sound weapons.
Trumpet sounds have been heard around the world. Is this “The Black [King’s] horn”?

Nostradamus Quatrain I-77
Entre deux mers dressera promontoire
Que puis mourra par le mords du cheual:
Le sien Neptune pliera voyle noire,
Par Calpre & classe aupres de Rocheual.
Nostradamus Quatrain I-77
Between two seas a promontory erected
He who will then die by the bite of a horse:
The proud Neptune [Ogmius] folds the shroud [over the] Black [King],
Through Calpre [Gibraltar] and near the fleet of Rocheval [unsolved name].
Nostradamus Sixain XXVII
Celeƒte feu du coƒté d’Occident,
Et du Midy courir iuƒques au Leuant,
Vers demy morts ƒans point trouuer racine
Troiƒieme aage à Mars le belliqueux,
Des Eƒcarboucles on verra briller feux,
Aage Eƒcarboucle, & à la fin famine.
Nostradamus Sixain XXVII
Celestial fire from the side of the West,
From the South, running to the Levant [East],
Worms half dead without finding a root.
Third Age of Mars the warlike [World War III],
From carbuncles [Lasers] one will see brilliant fire,
The age of the carbuncle [Laser] and in the end famine.
This Sixain is missing from Vincent Seve’s 1605 list of Sixains for Henri IV.
Nostradamus and the Age of Desolation, G. A. Stewart, Page 63
“Fires shining from the Carbuncles” is a reference to laser weaponry. Interestingly enough, a carbuncle is anyone of the scarlet and crimson varieties of garnet where the stone is cut with a convex face. There is an ancient legend that Noah used such stones to illuminate the ark.
And it was given unto him to make war with the saints, and to overcome them: and power was given him over all kindreds, and tongues, and nations.
And he doeth great wonders, so that he maketh fire come down from heaven on the earth in sight of men.
Revelation 13:14 (King James)
And deceiveth them that dwell on the earth by the means of those miracles which he had power to do in the sight of the beast…
Hopefully, I have presented enough evidence that shows a great deal of time, money, and energy have been directed toward the creation of Barack Hussein Obama.
There are clearly TR3-Bs of some kind that seem to have conquered gravity and inertia. Who is in control of this Secret Space Force?
As always, I am selling Nostradamus here, and Barack Obama is not out of the picture yet. Most of the TR3-B videos were recorded while he was President of the United States.
The Q Posts ask the audience to follow the map. Most of these conspiracy theories have been around for a very long time. Think of the impossible odds in standing up against the weight and impetus of cosmic history.